Values, Purpose and Brand Promise, Oh My!…. what does that mean? When it comes to starting out, these items seem to be complex. And where do you begin? If you want to grow from a $10 million a year firm to a $ 100 million a year firm, where do you get started? I’m going to talk to you about adding one item to your plate for you to carry forward year over year.
Values, Purpose and Brand Promises, Oh My! Is an episode where you can learn how to start building your business, your business foundation and of course, building profits and the opportunities to create something spectacular!
Everything you do as CEO has an impact on your business and I’m going to teach you how and what you can do each and every year to get the impact your desire!
Join me for this complementary podcast episode “Values, Purpose and Brand Promise, Oh My!” with Kellie D’Andrea.
You do not want to miss this rare opportunity to hear Kellie sharing her small business advice and providing insight into the BLAST methodology on this special call.
As a small business owner, chances are you may not be thinking about adding values to your business, or how those values lead to the right hire! But join us on today’s call and find out.
On this weeks’s #ShetalksRadio, Kellie shares with you about #Values, Purpose and Brand Promise and how this, could lead to more profits but also #customer loyalty.
Kellie doesn’t shy away from the reality that sending out the right message, to the right people and using this tactic could make a difference in your business. She shares how to prepare for it, and offers brilliant advice for how to plan the future of your company so you can make the impact you are here to make.
On this week’s episode of #ShetalksRadio, you’ll hear:
- Simple Strategies for starting out…steps to move your business forward.
- The number 1 tool you need in every business to get to #customer loyalty.
- Three critical items you need that will last a lifetime within your organization.
- The reason why you do what you do, each and every day.
Learn strategies and techniques that Values, Purpose and Brand Promise, Oh My! into your business and create a culture that supports your brand every time a customer engages with your organization, on multiple levels.
Head to Apple Podcast now to listen to this episode of #SheTalksRadio (or download it for later)
And come join in the conversation on Facebook – look for #BLASTTribe or come over to The BLAST Method and ask to join!
PS – I would live your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on Apple Podcast. Select “Listen in Apple Podcast” then choose the “Ratings and Reviews” tab to share what you think. I would really appreciate it.
About Kellie D’Andrea
Corporate Strategist and the creator of The BLAST Method. The leading system designed to show business leaders branding, leadership and selling techniques to grow their business, increase profits and grab customer loyalty.
I help high achievers apply focus and clarity to the development of skills necessary to grow their business, careers and be successful in life.
“My goal is to help you maximize your potential and design a life you deserve.”
I want give you the tools that empower you to reach your fullest potential and have fun along the way doing it!
As founder and CEO of Kellie D’Andrea & Associates, a company devoted to helping high achievers grow their business, their careers and design their perfect lives.
I have been fortunate to meet and support so many in my own journey and the lessons I have learned along the way are priceless.
Let me show you how to make a real difference in your career, in your business and in your life.
Send me an email at kellie@kelliedandrea.com and tell me how I can help.