Episode 3: Mindset, Motivation, Marketing & Mentorship | Master the 4 M’s to Advance Your Career

In my free CD “Top Ten Strategies to Get Ahead in Any Industry”, I introduce the 4 Key Concepts to becoming a Career Warrior and the She Tribe Warrior cry:

  1. Get your head in the game
  2. Build a powerful gameplan
  3. Keep you eye on the ball
  4. Play to win


“I deserve success, I am executing my plan, I know what I want and I am In it to Win It”!

This episode keeps you focused on that mantra. Recorded during one of my previous programs called Marketing Monday – a teleclass series offered to entrepreneurs and business owners who want to grow their business (and back in time when I carried the brand “the all stuff, no fluff marketing authority”)…… I held this class on the 4M’s and although I am speaking to a similar audience, you as business leaders for your companies can listen to these tips and apply them to your careers right away.

Enjoy this week’s episode.
Lesson Objectives:

  • Learn the BLAST 4 M Method to Business Success
  • Master strategies to creating ultimate success and behaviors that create long term patterns.
  • Kellie’s simple marketing strategy to building a million dollar business

1 Mindset

What is important about having a business mindset?

There are two different ways I want you to look at mindset:

(1) Business Acumen
(2) Positive Thinking.
1. Business Acumen

Lesson 1: You believe that the purpose for being in business is to make money — either you have a business that requires you to strategize about profits, or you have a hobby that may or may not make you extra income…

Lesson 2: Make your own decisions. To have a business mindset (or business acumen) you need to think for yourself vs. letting other people make decisions for you. There are no successful “wishy washy” entrepreneurs out there… even if it is the wrong decision, make another one and forge ahead.

Lesson 3: Understand that your job is to work ON you business not IN your business so every decision you make, every action you take, every process you put in place and every system you develop… should live to support one thing: Your Brand Promise!M
1. Positive Thinking

A business mindset means that you have to be positive, clear and confident! If you don’t believe in yourself, how will your customers?

What do I believe to be the basis behind The Law of Attraction?
First, I don’t believe that if we all close our eyes right now and wish for a million dollars that when we open them, a pile of money is sitting there

Second, I believe that if you have a positive focus (meaning not allowing obstacles, challenges or problems bring you down) If you have positive focus on what you want to achieve and believe 100% that you can achieve it and you take action every day towards your goals, you will get there.


What is the definition of motivation?
The definition of Motivation is the energization of goal oriented behavior… You have to be motivated, you have to love what you do or you won’t have the energy to do it.

What is the “Why” in Goals Achievement?

If what you do feels like work, then there is a disconnect… you need to re energize and find what I call your “why” – That deep rooted reason for you to reach your goal. It is about finding your passion. Read Susan Creale’s blog post on Finding Your Passion at https://kelliedandrea.com/

What else can I do to stay motivated?

Surround yourself with people who are positive and energize you. I have a saying that I ask all of my clients:

“Do you create energy when you enter the room, or when you leave the room”…..

III. Marketing

What is the best form of marketing?

Word of mouth… Create the ultimate customer experience that WOWs your customer and allow them to get to know you and see your passion, your excitement and your focus on what you do and why you do it. The best form of marketing is to show people your passion and your excitement about what you do. It becomes infectious!

What is the biggest myth in business?

That you are in the business of the “thing” that you do, or the “service” you perform.

First, let me dispel the myth:
You are not in the business of doing the thing that you do…. Building a widget, servicing the client whatever……. You are in the business of Marketing that thing that you do….

Do you see the difference?

What is the best way to market my business?Build relationships. Be authentic and allow people to get to know you.What is strategy when marketing your business?

My marketing strategy is simple:

  1. Provide real value and be able to communicate that value. = I help business owners double their profits in 6 to 12 months by teaching them branding, leadership and selling techniques to attract and retain more customers.
  2. Connect with your customers, prospect and partners by being authentic and helpful. Do not always be selling…. My lesson was ABM – always be marketing, not always be selling. Nobody likes to be sold to, so allow your prospects to develop a relationship with you so the end result is that they will refer you. Word of mouth marketing is the best marketing tactic out there.
  3. Provide the most exceptional customer experience that you can. Reach your comfort zone and provide even more value. All clients should be given gifts, and treated like royalty. No matter what price point they come in at and that includes free…

IV. Mentorship

What is a Mentor?

A mentor is an individual who has achieved what you are trying to achieve and provides you insight, suggestions and solutions to problems before they begome problems. They coach you and provide guidance to steer you in the right direction.

A mentor is somebody who has access to resources and can help you achieve your objectives.

A mentor keeps you focused and on a path that brings you clarity and achievement And lastly a mentor keeps you motivated and accountable to taking the actions you committed to taking.

What is the one thing all successful million dollar business owners have in common? They ALL have mentors.

What is another common trait of a successful business owner?
They ALL mentor others.

To be successful, you need to give back… even if you don’t have somebody in your world that you could mentor, you could join a mastermind group and provide support and guidance to that group.

What is a mastermind group?

Introduced in Napoleon Hill’s best selling book “Think and Grow Rich”, a mastermind is the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definitive purpose. It is the multiplication of brain power, resources and goals to achieve a greater result.


We discussed Mindset

1.Business acumen — basically you are in business to make money and everything that you do is to be strategic and develop relationships and systems that support your brand promise.. Every decision you make is yours and based upon numbers, facts ..not emotion.

2.Positive Thinking — we discussed that you have to remain positive and to discover your passion.

We discussed Motivation

1.And How important it is to Take the time to peel back the onion and find your why
2.And to surround yourself with others who make you feel good, make you feel strong like you can conquer the world

We discussed Marketing

  1. How your passion and your story is the best marketing… how you #1 focus is to develop a relationship with your customers, partners and employees and to develop the ultimate customer experience beginning with your brand promise… If you don’t have a promise in your business today,,, your homework is to go create one… send me an email and let me know what it is.

We discussed Mentorship
1.The importance of having a mentor or a coach to bring you down a path and keep you focused along the ways.
2.The importance of belonging to a mastermind group to share and mentor others.
What if I have more questions?

Please send me an email at info@kelliedandrea.com

Or download here

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