Come home from Mexico after a great vacation with friends and it was like we were entering the end of the world. It was unlike anything that I have come across in my lifetime. It is almost eerie when you look around and there is no people and those that you do notice, are wearing gloves, masks and hats. All because of the Coronavirus!
So what are you doing to make sure that you have what you need?
Are you prepared?
Is your employees working from home? Or did you lay people off?
Do you have enough cash or capital to move your business ahead?
These are all questions we must all answer right now. Even in this crazy time.
Many of our customers are truly focus on “how to make the business work”. Especially when your clients are closed and you offer a service around people. Chances are your revenue is impacted and with every business, once you have this impact, you will start to see your cash depleted. Bonuses retracted and staff reduced.
As many say, we are entering into a recession and you have to re-establish yourself for (1) when we can go back to work and (2) future.
We have put together the BLAST Company Guidelines in this week’s SheTalks Radio podcast and we will be releasing How You Can Respond to Employees later this week. If you want to go check out the Podcast, please go here.
So here is the recap of the BLAST Company Guidelines:
1) Stay Focused – You are the CEO of your business and now is the time for you to be present and make some tough decisions. Stay focus on your business, stay focus on your cash and stay focus on what is going to take you to the next level.
2) Cash – You need to manage your cash either through your reserve, low interest loans or renegotiating your loan or lease. These items will be great for you to focus on and get some additional cash in your pocket.
3) Employees – What can you do for your employees? You need to be focus on them, their training and what you could do moving forward. Using an accountability matrix and determining what you have and what you don’t will really keep you focus on your staff.
4) Scorecard – We love scorecards! But in this day chance are, the goals are not going to happen. So be visible and be focus on what scorecards you could set out for your team. Have an accountability partner and move your business forward.
5) Stand Up – How does your business stand apart today and are there changes you have to make to move your business forward? Think about the current situation and how you could improve for the next time.
This pandemic has made us all closer working at home with our family, connecting on line with our customers and staying engaged.