Episode 31: Employee Engagement: Communication is the Key
Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs! They feel motivated and are committed to doing a job well done. Do you employees feel that way about working for you?.. I’m here to tell you that this episode, will walk you through employee engagement and how you can stand apart […]
3 Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert
Did you ever wonder how somebody becomes an expert? Is there a governing body with a magic wand that deems people as experts in their fields or is this something that the average business owner can do? These are questions that many business owners ask and the answer to all is that positioning yourself as […]
Your Iconic 2020! Top Ten Marketing Strategies ..
Let's Get This Started...
As 2019 comes to a close, I wanted to share with you some of my predictions for 2020. Keep in mind, as we enter into the new decade, what does your business have to offer your customers? My top ten predictions are something you should add into your marketing strategy to move your business forward!. […]
Episode 30: 2020 Expert Positioning
According to the dictionary, an expert is somebody having a great deal of knowledge about, or a skill, training or experience in a particular field or activity. As long as you have knowledge or experience in your field, you can position yourself as THE expert. On this weeks’s #ShetalksRadio, Kellie reveals 2020 Expert Positioning.. A […]
Ready, Shoot… AIM: Why Most Goals Fail
Goal setting is a powerful practice used by many businesses and individuals year after year as they begin their planning process for the upcoming period. It usually involves an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses and the development of a plan for improvement and a kick off filled with motivation and high spirits. So why is […]
Top 5 Questions all CEOs Must Ask Before the Next Fiscal Year
It’s the beginning of the end of Qtr 4 and you are starting to plan for the next fiscal year, what are you thinking about? Most CEO’s are thinking about their next year budgets and their strategic plans in hopes to bring alignment to the organization with the hope for positive outcomes. But, as strategic […]
Episode 29: Your Iconic 2020
Sometimes, You Need to Sweat the Small Stuff…
When was the last time you received exceptional service? Really think about it.. Not just okay or standard service, but exceptional service. One that left you smiling and feeling special. Chances are you had to go way back in your memory to recall such an event. Why? Because offering great customer experiences is a dying […]
How to Close More Deals, Now!
Every business owner and every sales team wants to close more deals, now. For successful sales people, wining is in their blood but why do most fail? I have worked with so many different sales teams from many different industries and I have seen many tactics that make me cringe. My favorite…”Chasing the Deal – “the blind RFP […]