Episode 35: Branding and You

Building a business around a brand promise  will make your organization and your customers want to do business with you each and every day!.  Living in that service, brings you Unshakable Customer Loyalty that promises that your brand will live up to its promise at every turn. So what does that mean to you…  great […]

6 Tips for Successful Presentations

Anytime you want to convince anyone of anything, you are engaged in a presentation.  You do not have to be standing in front of a large crowd  with a big screen behind you to be delivering a message.  Successful presentations always have the same elements: 1.  They are completely focused on the audience and designed to […]

Episode 34: Mastering Presentation Skills

Did you ever think about how you communicate actually convinces people to move forward with their decision to move forward with you… either in a business deal, a movement or an idea.    A presentation is the key to causing an emotional connection that drives performance. A world filled with tons of potential and excitement. A […]

7 Weapons for Business Arsenal

corporate strategist

Are you ready to get started on building your business to the next level? I’m with you on this journey and I can’t wait to share with you some of my strategies and techniques. Here are the Seven Critical Weapons that you need in your Business Building Arsenal. These are tools that every strong entrepreneur […]

5 Tips to Delegate Effectively to Your Staff

Successful Managers Know How to Delegate Effectively, Here’s How...

Effective delegation is an important tool for any manager and some may argue more of an art over science. But research shows us that some managers hesitate to delegate at all perhaps out of inexperience with delegation or reluctance to give projects away to others for many reasons – Perhaps an enjoyment on working on […]

Episode 33: How to Be More Persuasive and Influential and Habits for Your Brain

Let’s do this!  I am so excited for 2020, Aren’t you…..  There’s some powerful energy in the air.  And persuasion is the key! I am here to tell you that in this episode, we are going to focus on what you REALLY want next.. But, there are some major moves you have to make first […]

Proven Networking Tips for Successful Connections

Throughout history, fortunes have been made by people whose first big break came from a friend of a friend or a close contact.  Long before computers and the internet, there was another way to make business connections – networking.  By networking with others, you have the ability to open opportunities and   make connections that could […]

5 Tips to Become a Networking Rockstar!

Networking is a tool that will put you on the path towards success. Businesses are grown from the personal relationships we develop throughout our career and being able to reach out and build positive business connections can be the single most important step you can take in building and marketing your business. So why don’t […]

Episode 32: Networking 101

Networking is the number one reason you will grow as an individual.  Let’s face it.. no matter what you do, as an business owner or a leader, you must network to gain connection.  It is the one reason you will grow your business, connect with employees, build out plans, strategize with other leaders and develop […]