Turning prospects in to customers is a big challenge many business owners face especially when they are not skilled in the selling process. But having customers is necessary to grow your business so here are 7 simple secrets to turning prospects into customers.
1.Attract the right prospect to your funnel
It is very easy to think that everyone is a prospect but the reality is that not everyone is right for you. You know your true value and what you can do for your customers. Use marketing strategies that attract your ideal prospect to you. For example, if your product is geared towards the wealthy and is priced accordingly, you want to attract prospects who can afford your offering. Don’t try to be everything to everyone, know your market.
2.Be willing to give
Sometimes people need to experience you first before they are willing to engage your services. Be willing to share your knowledge, your expertise and yourself for free to attract prospects. Don’t hold back, put out your best and most powerful stuff. If people like what they experience, they will seek you out when they need your services.
3.Stop talking and start listening
Stop trying to sell your prospects and start looking for ways to serve. The best way to do this is by simply listening. Get your prospect to talk about themselves by asking the right questions. Let them do all the talking and engage in a conversation. Offer suggestions and possibilities, but don’t try to sell them on your product or service, let it happen naturally.
4.Look for ways you can truly serve
When you are really listening, you should be able to open your mind and be creative. If you are truly coming from a place that is authentic, you will be able to find ways that you can truly serve the needs of your prospect. Be aware of what they are saying, what you think they mean and their point of view. You will be amazed how many different ways you can offer support if you listen with an open mind and a closed mouth.
5.Be authentic and real
Business is based upon relationships so open yourself up to relate with people. Be authentic and be real. If you follow all of the above steps and you are true and come from a place of high integrity, your prospects will pick up that quality.
6.Show them it’s an investment, not an expense
Banish the word budget from your vocabulary. Really focus on the benefits and the outcomes and talk to your prospect about making an investment that is going to yield a return, versus an expense. Show them how you are bringing value to them and dollarize that benefit. Take out all the guess work and make it easy for your prospect to do business with you and your company.
7.Eliminate the risk
Some people will still be uncertain so remove the risk. Offer them a guarantee of some sort so they can test you out before they commit. Sometimes people need this safety net, so make it easy for your prospect to do business with you.