How to Close More Deals, Now!

Every business owner and every sales team wants to close more deals, now.  For successful sales people, wining is in their blood but why do most fail?  I have worked with so many different sales teams from many different industries and I have seen many tactics that make me cringe. My favorite…”Chasing the Deal – “the blind RFP […]

Episode 28: Sales Leadership

What does a good Sales Leader look like?  Do they have strong skills?  Are they likable?  What does a Great Sales Leader look like?  When looking at your sales efforts, you need to make sure that your team is motivated and being coached throughout the process. Join me for this complementary podcast episode “Sales Leadership” […]

Episode 27: Successful Sales Habits

#SuccessfulSalesHabits is the key to all business growth, but how do you obtain it?  Is this something you have , or something you purchase or is it learned through time.. Did you ever wonder why some business owners are so successful at sales while others seem to flounder?  Why the teams know their goals and […]

Episode 26: Uncovering the Secrets to Sales Success

Did you ever wonder why some business owners are so successful at sales while others seem to flounder?  Why the teams know their goals and act upon them every single day?   That is because they simply don’t know the Secrets to Sales Success. Sales is a necessary element in every business.  Without it, there will […]

Episode 24: Clarity – The Key to Leadership

Great leadership involves the term Clarity. #clarity.  To be successful, you need to focus on your business in a way that gets you disengaged and  able to allow your thoughts to enter into your brain with no exception.  Join me for this complementary podcast episode “Clarity – The Key to Leadership” with Kellie D’Andrea. Allow […]

Episode 23: Calming the Chaos – A Leaders Guide to Managing a Team

Today’s employees and business owners are constantly living in a world of chaos having to deal with a number of activities going on in both their personal and professional lives.  So how do we ignite performance in our employees while all of this chaos is going on around them? #teammanagement, #teamleadership Learn simple management and […]

The Marketing Shift from the 4Ps to the New E’s!

Back in the day, the marketing 4P formula was all the rage.  Marketers everywhere were focused on mastering Product, Place, Price and Promotion since back in the day, marketers ruled the world and controlled consumer purchases by mastering these elements in their advertising and media. But with today’s advancements in technology, social media and mobile […]

Episode 22: How To Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less

In the living world of business, capturing somebody’s attention is difficult when you are competing with so much other noise but to keep them engaged for another 30 seconds while you get your point across… well that takes skill. #30secondmessage Everyday you are competing with so many messages out there… how many emails?  Ads? Signs? […]

Episode 21: Defining Your Niche

Your brand promise is the center of the universe in your business and is the essence of what your company stands for.  When a brand stands out with a strong brand promise that deliver value consistently, the value of your offering increases and customers become loyal. #customerloyalty Learning your “niche” will create this for you!  […]

Episode 20: 7 Steps to Creating a Powerful Brand

In today’s world, it takes a strong, branded identity along with a memorable customer experience that generates a good buzz to keep the #brand going and the profits flowing.   The goal of every business owner is not just to create satisfied customers but to create the WOW experience that leads to #brand evangelists. In today’s […]