7 Tips to Get Your Year in Gear!

pr_new-years-resolutions-150x150What a year!  Many of us have had ups and downs with the fluctuating economy, declining housing marketing, rising unemployment, stricter lending and a divided political climate.  Too often when we are overwhelmed by outside events, we have a tendency to retreat into the comforts of the status quo and wallowing in our depression.  Now it is time to get your year in gear and join The 94 Day Challenge.   Here are 7 tips to help you get started.

1. Hang around the right people.

Motivation comes in many forms but the strongest will come from your circle of influence.  Surround yourself with positive people who build up your self esteem and challenge you to succeed.  The best way to do this is to find others who are like minded and who have either achieved what you are trying to achieve or have already accomplished your goal.  These are the cheerleaders who will keep you strong especially when times get tough.

2. Hold yourself accountable.

Accountability is the strongest tool you can use in goal achievement.   People with integrity keep their promises so make yourself a promise and hold yourself to it.   A simple way is to create milestones and deadlines that you hold yourself responsible for meeting.  If you need some additional help, than find an accountability partner who can be your support buddy and share the responsibility of reaching your goals with them.

3. Set realistic expectations.

Super achievers set realistic expectations and meet them each and every time.  To be truly successful in goal achievement, you must be realistic in your expectations.  Make sure your actual goal and the timeframe you select is within reason.  When you don’t, you are sure to face frustration and failure.

4. Find a deep reason to make change.

For goals to be reached you must really want it.  Want it so bad that there is a deep burning desire.  This desire keeps you focused and motivated.  In order for your reason to be deep enough, you must reach down into your soul and select a reason that is personal enough.

5. Manage your subconscious

Most of us never reach our goals because we do not manage our subconscious brains.  Our subconscious is our protector and hates change.  In order to get your year in gear, you must master this part of your brain and you must manage fear.  Fear is the number one reason people do not seize the day.

6. Take Action!

The number one secret of all successful people is that they take action and they take it every day without exception.  They set realistic goals, stay focused on them, knows the deep reasons they want to reach them and are not afraid to take action.

7. Take The 94 Day Challenge

All change begins with a simple word: Yes! If you have already broken your New Year’s resolutions or are not living a life of prosperity, happiness and fulfillment, than you need to make the decision to do something differently and you need to make changes NOW!

We spend most of our time, our lives on autopilot going about our day the same way, doing the same things and in the same manner. How many times have you been driving only to find yourself at your destination without any memory of how you got there? The same theory explains why so many never reach their goals. They try the same approaches, the same outlooks and take the same action day after day after day only to be surprised that they reached the same results.

WAKE UP YOUR BRAIN and see what you can accomplish over the next 94 days when you fully apply yourself.

I am offering you an incredible opportunity to make a real difference in your life. Carpe Diem – “Seize the Day” and be astounded by what you can accomplish.

Imagine being able to create the life of your dreams, to have the relationships you crave, the job or business that you desire. Imagine building wealth beyond your wildest dreams or learning a new skill that makes you feel like a million bucks.

To achieve all that you can, you need to set very specific goals, develop a roadmap to reach those goals, awaken your brain and take action.

So, Are You Ready?

What do you want to achieve this year? Buy a new house? Lose a few pounds? Pay off those credit cards or finally write that great American novel you have been dreaming about.

I believe that all humans have within them, the potential to reach all of their goals. They possess the drive, the skills and the knowledge to achieve all that they want in life. The question is will you take the necessary action to make change and build the life of your dreams?

Imagine Having a Mentor to Motivate You Along The Way! Your Own Personal Coach Calling in the Plays

Imagine having someone coaching and pushing you along and showing you how to break outside your comfort zone and inspiring you to forge ahead. Also imagine, that person helping you stay focused and committed to the process and taking a No Excuses Approach!


Kellie D’Andrea teaches people how to succeed.  She is the creator of The 94 Day Challenge, a goal achievement program providing individuals with tools, resources and a personalized coach to motivate, educate and lead the way to victory.  Interested in learning more and making positive change in your life, sign up here http://www.94daychallenge.com

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